Saturday, July 28, 2012

I can’t believe we only have one week left here in South Africa. It’s sad but these past 3 weeks have been amazing and I am super excited to enjoy this next week. Teaching character this past week in the Khayelitsha high schools was really interesting. We were joined by two local missionaries named Pumzelay and Twanda and a Korean missionary named Paul. We all enjoyed sharing with each other about our lives, about South Africa and American culture, and about God in each of our lives. We went to a different high school each day, and in the class room, John and I would be introduced and helped by Pumzelay, then I would explain the meaning of diligence, and John would relate it to the students lives and explain why it is importance. While in the schools, I observed a number of things. It was discouraging to see how students were always late to class, would just leave trash on the ground where ever they went, and most of all, made very very poor scores on their tests. It seemed like there was such a wasteful and apathetic attitude in the students. However, although this was discouraging, it showed me how important this character class was to these kids lives and made me thankful that Paul, Pumzelay, and Twando were giving their time for these kids on a weekly basis. Despite these discouraging things, it was also awesome and super encouraging to see these kids reactions to our lesson on diligence. At the end of the lesson, John got the kids to write down what they wanted to be when they grew up, what steps they would take to accomplish it, what distractions or obstacles there might be, and how they can overcome them. In Khayelitsha, there are a lot of broken families, unemployment, drunkenness, and gang violence, and so it was sad to see so many kids apathetic about school. But then to hear them put their dreams into words and write steps they want to take to become they dreams was such a blessing. In general, high school kids need hope, encouragement, and inspiration to make their situation better than it is, both in the U.S. and in Khayelitsha and I pray that the schools we went to can continue to be changed into places of hope and character. This is what we would do each morning of this past week, and then in the afternoons after lunch, we would go to the construction sight and continue building. We completed all the frame work this week, cemented the floors, and nailed on the roof and most of the walls. I pray that this preschool will be an encouragement to the community and be a place of hope, learning, and a place for God to do his work. Lastly, today, our team got to climb Lion’s Head Mountain, which was awesome. Every part of South Africa is so beautiful that it literally looks like a postcard or something out of National Geographic where ever you go. Anyways, please continue to pray for us, pray for the youth of SA, and pray that John and I would continue to grow and be obedient to God on this trip. Thanks.

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